The 2025 Louisiana Trip Planner

Iberville Parish…Delightful Discoveries at Every Bend!

Nestled in the heart of Louisiana’s sugar cane country and at the soul of the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, Iberville Parish is a wealth of discovery. Located just minutes from the state capital of Baton Rouge, our parish features a collection of small towns and villages with a riveting history, unique architecture and authentic Louisiana cuisine.

Iberville boasts an unforgettable natural landscape with meandering waterways suitable for paddling, fishing and birding. Explore the ecology and wildlife of the Atchafalaya, America’s largest river swamp, in an immersive and educational experience with Last Wilderness Tours, who oIers guided tours by boat or kayak, in addition to cabin rentals.

If golf is your adventure, The Island in Plaquemine oIers a challenging yet picturesque outing along Louisiana’s Audubon Golf Trail. This 160-acre Tif-Eagle course presents nine man-made lakes, with water challenges in seventeen of the course’s eighteen holes. Dine as you overlook the course and savor the tastes of Cajun and Creole cuisine at the neighboring Clubhouse Bistro or drive into the heart of historic Plaquemine and enjoy a fried seafood or roast beef po-boy from a local favorite, Fat Daddy’s.

If you’re visiting during Mardi Gras season, don’t miss the Krewe of Comogo night parade as it rolls the Sunday before Fat Tuesday. This “must-see” display of local artistry, lights and revelry is one of the state’s largest night-time Mardi Gras parades and is a true celebration of culture in a family-friendly hometown environment.

More adventure awaits along the banks of the Mississippi River in the quaint town of St. Gabriel, which oIers the historic charm of Marguerite Bed & Breakfast and its sister property Chatsworth, the site of a delightful seasonal makers market. Travel the Great River Road a few miles to learn the captivating stories of the National Hansen’s Disease Museum, which documents the history and advancements in the study of leprosy. Finish out the day with a memorable dinner in the rustic charm of Roberto’s River Road Restaurant in the community of Sunshine.

For more one-of-a-kind discoveries, driving tours, events and attractions throughout the towns and villages of Iberville Parish, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

The selfie kiosk at Avoyelles

Visit Centre de la Louisiane

Avoyelles Parish is geographically located in the center of Louisiana. It offers many opportunities to experience unique attractions, local food, historical sites, and nature-based adventures.

The parish’s culture centers around food; here you can find cajun classics such as boudin, sausage and cracklins. You can visit farms, see the process and taste the finished product, whether it be crawfish, pecans, salsa or craft beer.

Located throughout the parish are historic homes. You can see how a doctor lived in the 1790s and a farm family in the 1820s. Experience how locals shopped in 1927, and visit a unique iron bridge built in 1916 and placed on the National Historic Register. While you are in Avoyelles, learn about Native American history or take a laid-back stroll down the charming main streets, where you will find friendly folk who enjoy telling stories of their heritage.

Much of Avoyelles is rural and unspoiled, known for its waterways, fertile fields, and notable routes. Enjoy hunting and fishing in wildlife management areas, and hike in any of the wildlife refuges or recreational parks on their nature trails.

Avoyelles Parish is no stranger to fun; you can enjoy Vegas-style gaming or play a game of golf. To discover more about the center of Louisiana, visit

Avery Island’s TABASCO® Factory

Ditch the beignets for the hot sauce in Iberia Parish!

Stay at Lake Fausse Point State Park, Isle of Iberia RV Resort, KOC Kampground or Oak Village RV Park.

Visit Iberia’s attractions Avery Island’s TABASCO® Factory and Jungle Gardens, Jefferson Island Rip Van Winkle Gardens, Shadows-on-the-Teche plantation home, and Konriko Company Store & Conrad Rice Mill, or check out the Bayou Teche Museum and Jeanerette Museum.

Explore Acadian Odyssey Monument Park in Loreauville and read in French and English details of the 1765 odyssey the Acadians endured. Go hiking at Lake Fausse Pointe State Park or fishing at Spanish Lake, visit a Louisiana beach at Cypremort Point State Park. Iberia Parish has public boat launches and charter fishing.

Launch a kayak from Loreauville, New Iberia City Park or Jeanerette floating docks. Stop to browse art galleries, shops, 21 trilingual markers or get a snack from a downtown restaurant in the New Iberia National Register Historic District along the way. Or enjoy New Iberia’s Bike Trail, a 3.2-mile path that starts in Church Alley Park on East Main Street and crosses the Bayou Teche.

Plan your own adventure at and experience the great outdoors in Iberia Parish—by land or water.

Plan Your Next Adventure in Jefferson Parish!

Jefferson Parish, just 10 minutes from downtown New Orleans, welcomes visitors to its bountiful outdoors. Hike the nature trails along the hidden wetlands of the Barataria Preserve of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, or explore the culture of the people who settled the delta and their relationship to its unique ecosystem at the Lafitte Barataria Museum & Wetland Trace. Then, venture out on a bayou adventure aboard the Total Cajun Experience swamp tour in Jean Lafitte!

Anglers love Jefferson Parish for its plentiful, year-round access to freshwater and saltwater fish. Fish the bayous of Barataria or the beaches of Grand Isle. Jefferson Parish will have you reeling ’em in. The licensing, bait and tackle, charter captains, and even a fish fry with the day’s catch can be arranged! If a night beneath the stars is your ideal getaway, tent camping on the beach at Grand Isle State Park is where you want to be. Or bring your RV for a less rustic experience and head over to Elmer's Island Beach and see the largest single coastal ecosystem restoration, which includes miles of gorgeous white-sand beach.

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