ROVA Adventure Twenty-Nine, February/March 2022

ROVA Adventure Twenty-Nine, February/March 2022


In this issue of ROVA, you’ll find a number of stories about the changes that road-trippers have chosen to make, and how they’ve adapted to make it work.

Editor Gemma Peckham spoke with some travelers who have taken their working life on the road, creating a lifestyle in which they can thrive professionally while also living out the dream of full-time adventure and exploration.

Also in Adventure Twenty-Nine, Kaycee Bowick shares her expertise for making roadschooling both beneficial and fun for kids on the go in an RV; Jonathan Bircumshaw looks at how young nomads move around the landscape in search of fulfilling experiences and better weather; Peyton Garland gives insight into how you can fit pets into your traveling lifestyle; and Mary Beth Skylis offers tips and tricks for those looking to make friends and build community on the road.

With our adventurous storytellers around the country, read about California’s beautiful Strawberry Mountain; discover Bozeman, Montana, where art, dining and outdoor adventure coalesce into a supremely enjoyable city; visit Texas’s Brazos Bend State Park and its many alligators; learn why North Dakota is the best state of all 50 to visit last; make a plan to visit Louisiana and help it rebuild in the wake of many setbacks; and get spooked in Salem, Massachusetts.

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